Sequencing Services

SomaGenics offers sequencing services for miRNAs and other small RNAs from total RNA or from biofluid samples. All sequencing prices include a minimum of 5 million reads with a read length of up to 75 bp. For longer read length, or for Analysis of sequencing results by SomaGenics please enquire.

miRNA and small RNA sequencing from total RNA (isolated from tissue or cells)

This service includes library preparation using RealSeq®-AC technology, library QC and sequencing on an Illumina platform (MiniSeq or Next Seq). For requests please contact us.

Sample quality is essential for successful sequencing results. Our minimum requirement for submitted samples is 5ng/library at a concentration of 1ng/ul. Please enquire if you would like SomaGenics to perform RNA preparation.

Small RNA sequencing for 1 to 10 samples (catalog number 500-totalRNA10)   : US $ 510/sample

Small RNA sequencing for 11 to 19 samples (catalog number 500-totalRNA19) : US $ 490/sample

Small RNA sequencing for 1 to 10 samples (catalog number 500-totalRNA10)  : US $ 460/sample 

miRNA and small RNA sequencing from total RNA (isolated from biofluids)

This service includes library preparation using RealSeq®-biofluids technology, library QC and sequencing on an Illumina platform (MiniSeq or Next Seq). For requests please contact us.

Sample quality is essential for successful sequencing results. Customers are responsible for submitting a high quality RNA preparation. RNA should be isolated from a sample size of 200 ul or more, with a minimum input of 50 ul. Most RNA prepared from biofluids is difficult to quantify and QC, and SomaGenics will prepare the sequencing library and perform sequencing only if the QC of the library is satisfactory. Please note that samples that are preserved in Heparin will not give satisfactory results as Heparin inhibits enzymes in the library preparation steps. 

Small RNA sequencing for 1 to 10 samples (catalog number 500-totalRNA10)   : US $ 510/sample

Small RNA sequencing for 11 to 19 samples (catalog number 500-totalRNA19) : US $ 490/sample

Small RNA sequencing for 1 to 10 samples (catalog number 500-totalRNA10)  : US $ 460/sample

miRNA and small RNA sequencing from plasma and serum

This service includes RNA extraction from biofluids, library preparation using RealSeq®-biofluids technology, library QC and sequencing on an Illumina platform (MiniSeq or Next Seq). For requests please contact us. The optimal provided sample size is 200ul and the minimum sample size is 50 ul. Please enquire for biofluids other than plasma or serum. Please note that samples that are preserved in Heparin will not give satisfactory results as Heparin inhibits enzymes in the library preparation steps. 

Small RNA sequencing for 1 to 10 samples (catalog number 500-BF10)          : US $ 570/sample  

Small RNA sequencing for 1 to 10 samples (catalog number 500-BFRNA10)   : US $ 540/sample

Small RNA sequencing for 1 to 10 samples (catalog number 500-BFRNA10)   : US $ 510/sample